Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Forgive & Forget...

It feels nice to be able to get things back to normal. To be able to forgive someone when it is not easy to. To see the brighter side of life.

People make mistakes. If i really care about someone i should be able to forgive their mistake. Once i am sure that they have realised their folly and learnt something from the whole episode, i should forgive and move on.

Carrying grudges, keeping hard feelings, acting egoistic and vindictive...this is not my way of life. It doesn't lead to anything but mutual hurt. If someone has to take the harder decision, it should be me. That makes me feel good about myself.

I must remember that every person is good deep inside. Its upto me to go to that depth and make a true friend out of him. To break the barriers that person has made for various reasons and see his true self. :-)


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