Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Discussing People

It is very easy to fall in the trap of discussing people. Talking at length about the shortcomings in behavior of the people around us. Overanalyzing and criticizing the actions and motivations of friends and aquintances. But how do these elaborate "bitching" sessions help anyone. One, you end up talking negative and spoiling your mood. Two, you tend to be judgemental and jump to conclusions based of the limited and recent interactions. Three, you influence or atleast try to infuence other persons thought with your potentially biased opinions. Now how pathetic is that?

If i have something against a persons behavior/actions, i should talk about it only to the concerned person. At most with a very few people to get perspective on the matter. But talking about it to every person i meet is stooping low.

I think praise should flow freely but criticism should be restricted. We should learn to keep our opinions to self and let people make their own judgements.


Blogger *suey* said...

Very True.
But one must make a distinction between bitching and talking about inherent flaws. Friends would do the latter.
Not everyone takes their faults lightly, or even admits to them honestly, when told about it directly. But yeah, only friends, people who care about you and who you care about.
There have been times when Ive tended to get carried away by these 'sessions', but each time, later regretted it; wondered if it was really needed.Pathetic isnt a bad word to describe that.
I have a different take on praise flowing freely though. But totally with you on taking time off to observe and form self opinion.

6:07 AM  
Blogger Kush said...

I think tht even talks about inherent flaws should also be directed towards the person concerned. Why talk about A's flaws with B till the time it is not needed.

2:55 PM  
Blogger *suey* said...

ever had a frend yu loved but who wudnt understand when something good was coming out of yure advice?
It sure is easy to judge. Brand things, people, things people do, good bad or not so good. Just maybe the other person has a motive you havent noticed?

7:20 AM  

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